Managing Workplace Stress
3.5 hours
Topics covered in this training include:
Definitions of stress and fatigue.
Understanding the relationship between stress and fatigue.
Use questionnaires that help measure real time perception of stress and fatigue.
Recognise and use techniques that help with reducing the impact of stress.
Understand how to manage fatigue and work safely with shiftwork patterns.
What is mentally healthy work?
Apply the tools learnt in case study scenarios in workshop exercise.
Combating Workplace Bullying
and Harassment
3.5 hours
Topics covered in this training include:
Features of a positive workplace
How can you contribute?
What is unacceptable behaviour and bullying?
Definitions of bullying. Harassment and discrimination
What does the law say?
How does your organisation comply and how do you fit in / what is your role?
Responding to unacceptable behaviour and bullying
Case study exercise
Moving forward with a positive workplace culture
Workplace Health & Safety
Risk Management
3.5 hours
Topics covered in this training include:
Defining the differences between hazard, harm, event, incident near miss and risk
To understand the difference between a static workplace and a dynamic workplace
To deepen understanding of the Risk Management cycle and how this applies to your workplace - really drilling down into the severity and consequence of Risk
To understand why, when and how conduct an onsite and in the moment risk assessment.
To recognise and develop strategies for identifying risks throughout all job tasks and interactions
To understand what risk appetite – one’s individual risk appetite versus organisations risk appetite.
How to apply the hierarchy of controls to reduce the risk of work activities
When to cease work and the process to follow
Resilience Training
3.5 hours
or full day
Workshop 1 - The Foundations of Resilience
What is resilience, what is wellbeing and the science of positive psychology, the four uses of resilience and the ingredients to a flourishing life
The dimensions of wellbeing – how you can ‘fill your bucket’
Flexible thinking: the benefits of optimism span many domains in life – learn how to think like an optimist.
Having mental agility – using the CAN technique to manage difficult situations and challenges by and focusing on the aspects you can control.
Resilient mindsets - Growth mindset – how the way we view challenges and setbacks influences how good we are at dealing with them. Ways to adopt a growth mindset.
How to avoid the common Thinking Traps that sap our energy (mindreading, catastrophising, personalising, blaming others, helplessness). How to dig yourself out of them
Managing emotions – techniques to handle negative emotions and increase emotional intelligence.
Managing anxiety: why we have it, how it affects our body, techniques to tame the anxious brain
Health and Safety Officer / Governance Training
3.5 hours
Topics covered in this training include:
Introduction to the HSWA compliance hierarchy and how that impacts governance
Health and safety responsibilities – who has liability and how to provide direction to executive teams.
Deep dive into Section 44 of the HSWA
What is an effective health and safety system - with a. particular emphasis on hazard management and risk assessment and incident reporting and investigation?
What does ‘Gold Standard’ health and safety leadership look like?
Understanding how all parties in a health and safety structure can work together for ideal outcomes.
Where does mental health fit in?
Understanding where to go for support and help with health and safety questions.
Cases study exercises using recent health and safety prosecutions.